Hello Peter! I'm impressed that you figured out what that passage means; I can't quite get my mind around it. It's a good message in any case. That meeting between us in Hendy Woods will go down in the annals of my family as a wondrous event -- what were the chances of your cousin taking you to Hendy Woods of all places, and of us choosing to look for blackberries so late in the day at exactly that place? Did you suggest a trip to Hendy Woods because you knew that we would be there? I assume that you didn't because the name wouldn't stick in your memory, it being so far away.
Noah's enthusiasm for the Giants was red hot for a few days after the game -- he wore his Ross the Boss shirt everywhere, but by now it's waned. His new love is Cesare Borgia and the Italian Renaissance, which he is studying at school, and a video game called "Assassin's Creed" in which Borgia and Machiavelli are prominent characters. He wants to visit Rome now, which would be an excellent idea to foster his love for history. We're trying to find ways to do that over Christmas or during the summer that won't break the bank. We visited the local Renaissance Faire yesterday and had a great time. They have real jousts with horsemen in armor and with lances; Noah and his friend took a fencing course on the longsword.
A car ran a stop sign and hit my bike today during a long bike ride through the city to visit the last remaining Borders store before it closes and buy some mangos at my favorite Mexican produce store. I'm fine but the bike's wheel is a bit bent. Take care, Sidney
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