Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hello Claire!  We came back home with lots of samples in our bags, of course, and something interesting happened yesterday.  The food that just seemed so-so, average at the Fair was absolutely delicious the next day!  I think there was just too much at the Fair, so it all blurred together, whereas at home we try each one by itself and it was outstanding.  I think this is interesting information about our brains and our physical system -- we reach satiety fairly quickly and can't appreciate what we're having.  The simplest food when we're hungry (like my oatmeal in the morning) is more delicious than the most elegant meal when we've already had enough.  That probably applies to many things.  The ancient Epicureans (followers of Epicurus) believed that pleasure was the goal of life, and were paradoxically known for their abstemiousness.  They were thin, ate the simplest food and learned to appreciate the simplest things like air and exercise.  It will take a while to get through all the samples we have!  Take care, Sidney

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